Chewy Caramelized Roots



This recipes uses any combination of root vegetables and turns them into a caramelized comfort-food dish! It’s tasty warm or as a chilled left-over.

I always make extra since it freezes so well, and tastes just as good reheated.


Delicious roots to try include carrots, yams, sweet potatoes, beets, parsnips, burdock, turnips, dandelion, fennel, jerusalem artichokes and onions. This particular dish also included colorful bell peppers.

Root vegetables, 4 cups total

3-4 tbsp Coconut oil or Butter

Salt & Pepper

Herbes de Provence, Lemon Pepper, or your Favorite Seasoning  


Preheat the oven to 400 F.

Wash all root vegetables and if desired, peel the skins (peeling is not necessary for most organic root vegetables). Slice the roots in 1/8-1/4 inch thick rounds (thinner slices will be crispier, thicker slices turn out chewy and tender). Put the roots into a large mixing bowl, making sure there is plenty of room for stirring.


Melting coconut oil

In a small pot, melt the butter or coconut oil over low heat.

Once melted, pour the oil over the root slices and stir to coat the roots evenly.




Roots2Place the roots on a baking sheet and spread them uniformly. Sprinkle them with salt and put them in the oven.




Roots1Shift the roots around the baking sheet every 10-15 minutes so they bake evenly.

You can see they are done when the roots turn golden and caramelized around the edges, usually about 35-45 minutes.



After removing the roots from the oven, sprinkle liberally with your desired seasoning to taste (the ones pictured were sprinkled with pepper and herbes de provence). These roots are also delicious with just salt if you do not wish to add another flavor.


Caramelized roots are great for the sweet-tooth.


Enjoy them toasty from the oven, cold as left-overs or freeze the roasted roots for a quick side-dish on a busy weekday evening.

To reheat roasted roots, shake the frozen prepared roots out onto a baking sheet and heat them at 400 F for 15-25 minutes.


Written byKalyn Kodiak, ClH