AHA Herbal Show, Swap n’ Sale at the 3rd Annual General Meeting

Wednesday, October 18th, 2017
Market on Macleod Atrium (7711 Macleod Trail SE)

A showcase for local herbalists, healers, gardening enthusiasts, botanists, mycologists and others who wish to share information/examples/displays related to nature or herbs with the community. Vendors can purchase booths for sales or marketing, and a swap table for gear, books and seeds will be organized.
Everyone is welcome to enjoy this event! AHA Members receive a free booth for the promotion of their business or display of whatever inspires them as a herbalist. Please contact info@herbalistsalberta.com to register for your free member’s booth or for more information. Also check out the Facebook event page. Specially-priced advanced tickets for the Alberta Herb Gathering 2018 will be available, as a fundraiser for the Gathering.

Written byKalyn Kodiak, ClH